Lease Administration

For Healthcare Portfolios

Regulations specific to the healthcare industry impact how leases are managed and administered, creating unique challenges for healthcare portfolios. Scribcor is experienced with lease administration for healthcare organizations. Our team incorporates best practices from other healthcare clients to bring you a customized service offering that mitigates risk associated with Stark I & II compliance.
Downtown Chicago

Lease Administration

For Healthcare Portfolios

Regulations specific to the healthcare industry impact how leases are managed and administered, creating unique challenges for healthcare portfolios. Scribcor is experienced with lease administration for healthcare organizations. Our team incorporates best practices from other healthcare clients to bring you a customized service offering that mitigates risk associated with Stark I & II compliance.

Documentation & Organization

The first critical step is assessing your real estate portfolio and organizing the leases and other related documents. Ensuring documents are uniformly tracked across the portfolio in a central system provides a single source of truth for your organization. Abstracting critical dates and other information into a lease administration system allows you to better manage your real estate obligations. This data provides greater insight into your complete portfolio, allowing your teams to make informed, strategic decisions.

Billing Your Subtenants

Do you struggle with accurately billing and collecting subtenant rent?

For healthcare organizations and medical office building owners that sublease space to physicians, do you have an effective system for tracking and billing subtenant rent in place? Do your processes ensure that rent adjustments, work orders, late fees, and other costs have been appropriately allocated and billed to physician tenants?

Controlling Costs & Mitigating Risk

Do you control your costs or do your costs control you?

Sometimes, you don’t know what you don’t know. Failing to track costs in a consistent manner can create financial problems. If allowed to run unchecked, this disorganization leads to financial exposure and unintended compliance risk. Examining the current processes in place for tracking real estate accounts payable and receivable is an important step toward mitigating this risk and implementing more compliant business practices. Let Scribcor identify opportunities for improvement within your current processes and develop best practices to control costs and enable your future success.