Finding top tier talent. It is a task that is either very easy or very difficult, depending on who you are as a company and what specifically you are looking for. For us at Scribcor Global Lease Administration, the perfect fit requires a combination of skills – accounting, legal, project management, account management and others. Our ideal candidate must have the ability to be deep in the weeds of projects but also to work at the treetops with clients, sometimes at the same time. In addition, there is the softer side to consider – culture, adaptability, and attitude to name a few. Oh, and they need to be available – either permanently or for the duration of a project, which can be a short or long timeframe depending on the circumstances.
The challenge for us comes in the ‘combination of skills’ area – we look for talent that isn’t strictly accounting, isn’t strictly legal, isn’t strictly administrative. For us to be most effective for our clients, it is a unique blend of skills that serves our clients best. Accountants are typically very good with numbers but not necessarily good at interpreting legal language. And paralegals (or attorneys) are typically very good at interpreting legal language but may not be as strong when calculating complex rent payment schedules, verifying reconciliation billings or examining property expense invoices. And other professionals may have great project and account management and skills, but could be better in the accounting and legal language interpretation areas.
Which leads us back to finding top tier talent. In many cases, the best talent we have on staff came from people who were referred to us. Referred either by our existing staff, by independent contractors we use repeatedly or by others who know us well.
Do you or someone you know have a blend of applicable skills and talents that can be applied in different ways? Reach out to us by email at We are always on the lookout for people that bring the best of themselves to our clients.
Denise Hinkle is VP of Client Development for Oak Brook, IL based Scribcor Global Lease Administration. Contact dhinkle@scribcorglobal or visit for more information.